For the first time in years, my Facebook account was deactivated. No barrage of emails saying folks who actually don't really give a flying eff about me saying happy birthday, or this year hbd (which comon people? i get you don't care but you don't care so much as to not spell out happy birthday? we're the generation of technology. i'm pretty sure fully typing out happy birthday isn't that difficult. haha sorry little rant)
However, I was blown away by the people who actually made the effort to say happy birthday to me. I have this friend in Ireland, who recently revealed to me that he is the sole Irish reader I have of this blog, who emailed... I was so amazed that he remembered and was humbled that even after not being in contact for months, he A) remembered B) put the effort to write a very sweet email. Even this guy that I actually dated a bit wrote me a "hbd" email with that acronym in the subject but in the body angrily wrote a note about me un-Facebooking him. I thought, "Seriously dude? In a birthday email?"
The Wednesday before my birthday, basically the day before, my wonderful small group threw me a party that will live in my memory forever. It honestly was so great. They transformed a hallway in one of their homes into a Moroccan theme with pillows and beautiful drapes everywhere. But above the top they strung lights so it was like we were dining under the stars! They know me so well. Stars and candelight... Could a woman ask for anymore? Company? HAD IT! Three women who are amazing in their own way... One I have known since I was a child who continually challenges the way I think and is great with words and encouraging. One I have known for a little over a year now but it feels like a lifetime because we get along so famously. She is the most stylish and fun friend I have made recently. She is also incredibly encouraging and she makes it so easy for me to be vulnerable and open with our group. Last but not least, Kristin. I have spoken about her here before but she is, without a doubt, one of my best friends. She knows me incredibly well and never judges me. Even after some of the incredibly stupid things I have done. She always says that I am a "down ass m effer" which I don't think is true but when it comes to me, she is that... Her note/card for my birthday made me cry. All three of their cards are now in my rainy day box.
On the actual date of my birthday, I sent out an evite to about 30 people to join me at Smugglers' Cove and three showed up. But you know what? I honestly didn't care very much because it just showed who actually cares about me and who doesn't. And also my birthday is so near the holidays that it's difficult to make it out to things as well. Anyway. But beforehand, I got taken out to Opaque, which is the restaurant that you dine completely in the dark. It was a great experience! I would totally do it again but this time with the mystery drinks as well. It was seriously so much fun... Too bad it's uber expensive. The other cool thing is that all the servers are legally blind/visually impaired. It was amazing to be able live in their world for a couple hours. I was reminded yet again of how much I truly have in my life.
The start of my 29th year on this earth (yes I had to think about truly which year this is because actually in the US we start at 0 yrs 1 day and the first birthday is actually the end of the first year born. Isn't that weird?) was amazing and one that will live in my memory forever. Thank you to all that made it happen. I will probably update this with photos later!
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